better tweeter is always on the lookout for good materials on the web. Retweeting these materials – articles, news, multimedia files – shows the user as a tweeter of substance. Good retweets are only possible if the user has actually read the material, and has found its content worthy to be retweeted. When followers find the retweet valuable, it creates a ripple effect – being retweeted countless more times – and increases the standing of the original retweeter among peers and followers.

Take short meaningful sentences from your blog post and format them into tweets that people can digest and understand immediately and;, add a link to that specific post. Twitter is a very simple network to get involved in, even if you have been unsuccessful with other social networking websites in the past. For whatever reason, Twitter is the most powerful, active and established microblogging network available at this time. There are over two and a half million articles in English on Wikipedia.

75% of Americans watch at least one video online a month. YouTube alone has hundreds of millions of videos being viewed daily. There are over 200-million blogs on the internet. Just under 60% of the people online have joined a social network. Blogs are more personal than forums, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a meaningful community. You can use a blog to write your own advice column, share tips from other blogs, and invite guest writers to contribute their words of wisdom.

At the moment, most professional writers are encouraged by their publishers to create blogs. It seems to be an effective, fast-paced way to connect with readers and other writers, and thanks to free web hosting from sites like WordPress and Blogger, it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, either. Exactly what caught my attention were the topics covered cheap they’d utilized something like Debategraph for that construction of collective knowledge.

Anything suitable, because the platform to create visual maps of content groups and subcategories. Here are the cool things about it: So you get all the power of twitter but all your posts, replies, direct messages are place into their own group which makes things easier to manage. You can add people into new groups. You can create your own search groups. If you attend any events or trade shows it’s a good chance to update your followers in real time about any interesting news or opinions.

Again, this fosters good relationships and trust.